28 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi
Vitamin C is the Prevent Cancer
WASHINGTON - Liver cancer, such as the fast-growing cancers, surrounding all of the oxygen burning large energy consumption for their lives to continue HIF-1, called protein-bound is. Vitamin C as antioxidants, these free radical destroying and HIF-1 to neutralize the cancer tumor growth blocking . about 10 years ago, this protein was discovered by American researchers, the oxygen balance in the cells are ready to use. However, this protein is a molecule very reactive free radical and can not operate without. Free roots were this aging role is believed. Kanserolog Professor Dr. Chi Dang and his team, antioxidant action, this mechanism due to their curative effects of the maximum level reached have pointed out. About 30 years ago, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pinus, the first time, vitamin C, the cancer preventive effects opinion may be claimed.
Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer, the 15-40 age group for men and more common, although relatively rare disease and treatment, the improvements patients 80-90% bitwise healing allows. History of undescended testes in patients with these problems for the surgery have spent even testicular cancer for high risk carry. Patients usually painless enlargement of the testicles in one, there is mass or nodule. Some patients in the lower abdomen where the testicles in the bag or pulling his weight, or the mention. In some cases, these symptoms of the disease have lungs or abdomen, depending on progress are emerging.
The suspected diagnosis of testicular tumor studies, pelvic and abdominal computed tomography scan of the chest film and may include blood tests. Blood tests in patients with testicular cancer, sometimes designated as AFP and HCG to control the presence of tumor markers is done. The AFP test is positive, non-seminoma cancer of the right while the presence of malignant tumors that rarely rises. To determine the type of the tumor tissue is taken from the affected testicle. Patients with stage I and II, tissue uptake after radiotherapy to pelvis and lower abdomen are.
Asthma and Reishi
Asthma is quite disturbing and challenging living conditions is an inconvenience. With environmental pollution, millions of children each year are afflicted with this disease. Airways seen in asthma is an allergic condition. In this case to the lungs by blocking the entry of oxygen and carbon dioxide out of the blocks. In severe cases, respiratory tract can cause inflammation and mucus.
This condition can be controlled with medication and steroid sprays, plants can be used towards improving the long term. Allergies to pollen and dust are often the trigger, causing the crisis, and this causes the immune system response. If it is not strong enough immune system can trigger asthma each powder. According to traditional Chinese medicine in the body called chi energy becomes weak due to lung and kidney by the withdrawal will develop asthma. Chinese medicine, various plants are used to improve lung energy, one of them Lucidumdur Ganoderma
Immune system in combating asthma olmasıçok is in good condition. Interferon alpha, interferon beta and lymphatic cells with weak immune system in balance. Ganoderma Lucidum, interferon alpha and gamma to fight asthma is increasing. Propolisle when taken together will reduce inflammation and mucus. Stressten an asthma attack triggered by environmental factors and should be avoided. Spicy foods should be avoided and the diet must always be followed by the physician.
This condition can be controlled with medication and steroid sprays, plants can be used towards improving the long term. Allergies to pollen and dust are often the trigger, causing the crisis, and this causes the immune system response. If it is not strong enough immune system can trigger asthma each powder. According to traditional Chinese medicine in the body called chi energy becomes weak due to lung and kidney by the withdrawal will develop asthma. Chinese medicine, various plants are used to improve lung energy, one of them Lucidumdur Ganoderma
Immune system in combating asthma olmasıçok is in good condition. Interferon alpha, interferon beta and lymphatic cells with weak immune system in balance. Ganoderma Lucidum, interferon alpha and gamma to fight asthma is increasing. Propolisle when taken together will reduce inflammation and mucus. Stressten an asthma attack triggered by environmental factors and should be avoided. Spicy foods should be avoided and the diet must always be followed by the physician.
Does the pill is weak with chili?
Hundred percent herbal and natural product that pepper pills for many years a lot of Mexicans and maintaining a healthy weight is applied to ensure a reliable source of weakness. Countries, as in our world in many people and especially by celebrities are preferred. Monthly 4-12 between the weight given permits that makes peppers pills metabolism rate by increasing fat burning easier. People different from each other and therefore metabolizmik rates also were different consideration, the pepper pills a week and one month within the period to take its start and that those who use weaker, more energetic and healthier than he can say.
Pepper pill that can be used by everyone is completely safe product. Metabolic rate to increase by 50 percent and includes special enzymes. Get the weight loss that prevents repetition of pepper pill, long-lasting feeling of satiety to a request prevents excessive eating. Solid and flavorless diet, fasting, strenuous sport such as degree of difficulty without providing a healthy and painless way to lose weight.
Pepper pill that can be used by everyone is completely safe product. Metabolic rate to increase by 50 percent and includes special enzymes. Get the weight loss that prevents repetition of pepper pill, long-lasting feeling of satiety to a request prevents excessive eating. Solid and flavorless diet, fasting, strenuous sport such as degree of difficulty without providing a healthy and painless way to lose weight.
Goji Berrynin sağlığa faydaları

What is Congestive Heart Failure?
Heart, organs and tissues to meet metabolic requirement can not provide enough blood flow or by obtaining a very high pressure can provide a filling if congestive (chronic) heart failure occurs. Congestive heart failure occur in the body after the heart attack, hypertension, valvular disease and heart muscle disease called cardiomyopathy often resulting heart disease. Congestive heart failure in recent years, especially among women was three times higher. Advancing age in women with congestive heart failure, although death rates actually increased in many of the women yakalnma congestive heart disease risk is much less than men.
Cancer Stem Cell Transplant

Symptoms of Breast Cancer
In other cancers such as breast cancer, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and general symptoms such as weight loss, as well as the first symptom is usually 70% of mass in the breast or the arrival of hardness is discussed. The mass is usually painless and still determined. Later stages of breast cancer, pain may occur. Masses 1-2 cm in size can. Unilateral and permanent. In part determinable limits.
While no one can feel the hand of mass disease in the breast, breast the tide to come early or can manifest itself with a regional lymph nodes metastasis. If you discharge is often seen as one-sided. Is often bloody, serous-bloody possible. Spontaneous discharge. Breast pain is rarely seen. Forgue visible symptoms. Bearing tumors of the breast above, means being upright and rounded. In the upper quadrant of the breast cancer is the withdrawal of the nipple to the masses. In addition, the orange peel appearance of breast tissue may be in the situation. Tumor cells in lymph vessels ligamentlerindeki Cooper advances to reach the skin's superficial lymph vessels. Of lymph is blocked. Lymphatic circulation is impaired, and swelling of the skin occurs. Also slowing of lymph flow causes the skin and subcutaneous tissue fed. Thickened skin, such as hair follicles pulled inward, and this situation gives the appearance of orange peel.
Recovery in the dimpled appearance of breast tissue may be a specific audience. Breast tumor growth and results to keep your head in the crash occurs at the beginning of the breast. Advanced stages of cancer before the tumor cells deep in the musculus pectoralis fasyaya, to reach the chest wall and skin ulceration, and erythema of the skin occurs as a result. "Breast" is the pain caused by breast tissue. Breast, breast-related complaints by women who seek medical attention despite being one of the leading symptoms considerably, the symptoms are still not well enough known.
While no one can feel the hand of mass disease in the breast, breast the tide to come early or can manifest itself with a regional lymph nodes metastasis. If you discharge is often seen as one-sided. Is often bloody, serous-bloody possible. Spontaneous discharge. Breast pain is rarely seen. Forgue visible symptoms. Bearing tumors of the breast above, means being upright and rounded. In the upper quadrant of the breast cancer is the withdrawal of the nipple to the masses. In addition, the orange peel appearance of breast tissue may be in the situation. Tumor cells in lymph vessels ligamentlerindeki Cooper advances to reach the skin's superficial lymph vessels. Of lymph is blocked. Lymphatic circulation is impaired, and swelling of the skin occurs. Also slowing of lymph flow causes the skin and subcutaneous tissue fed. Thickened skin, such as hair follicles pulled inward, and this situation gives the appearance of orange peel.
Recovery in the dimpled appearance of breast tissue may be a specific audience. Breast tumor growth and results to keep your head in the crash occurs at the beginning of the breast. Advanced stages of cancer before the tumor cells deep in the musculus pectoralis fasyaya, to reach the chest wall and skin ulceration, and erythema of the skin occurs as a result. "Breast" is the pain caused by breast tissue. Breast, breast-related complaints by women who seek medical attention despite being one of the leading symptoms considerably, the symptoms are still not well enough known.
Treatment of cancer in our society and not be seen as a desperate condition. This view has led to delays in diagnosis and thus reducing the chance of treatment is becoming difficult. Also be applied to the non-scientific method leads to loss of time and money. Cancer is a disease have been treated. Despite difficulties in the treatment of some kind, in many types of treatment, the chance is very high. The success of treatment, type, and managed to keep the continuity of the body depends. An intermittent therapy will be effective even in the most simple kind. Cancer, surgery, radio and chemotherapy, and some type of burning is done.
Surgery: Surgical procedures are considered medical aspects of the community to eliminate cancer cells, most often as the preferred method. Cancer is not spread by surgical methods alone can be completely effective. If the cancer has spread, surgical methods, the elimination of large clusters of cancer cells helps. Elimination of the remaining cells to radiation treatment or drug therapy is used. The best cancer surgery is sometimes a great textural areas in the region are also taken. This is because the cancer of these tissues also spread potentially developed. Radiotherapy (radiation treatment): High doses given cancer, body cells or destroy or breed by making it eliminates. Two formats are used in radiation therapy of cancer:
External radiation therapy (external beam therapy): a very short period of intensive radiation on malignant cells is to direct. This method is most commonly used and best known methods. External radiation therapy are usually many times will be given several weeks will continue. Internal Radiation Therapy (internal radiation therapy): This method is a radioactive substance into the body within the tumor near / in surgery or by injection placement. Although radiation treatment is painful, given the side effects are dose-and region-based problem. Radiation therapy affects both healthy and malignant cells in the affected areas due to the sensitivity, burning, hair loss may occur. Especially in areas exposed to radiation at large and the sub-region (abdomen), while nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, infertility and decreased bone marrow function may occur.
Chemotherapy (drug therapy): Patients are given powerful drugs by mouth or injection. These drugs kill the cells that produce very fast in the body circulate. Reach the intended destination of the majority of cancer cells that are produced very quickly. Some cells are responding quickly to drugs than others. Testicular cells and some leukemia cells are the kind that responds quickly to medication, but it is not brain and pancreatic cells. Drug therapy is an important issue, bone marrow, mouth, etc. hair follicles. produced as rapidly as some normal cells is destroyed. Drug treatment program is quite a long time, and susceptibility to infection, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea, vomiting and internal organ damage, such as have many negative side effects.
Surgery: Surgical procedures are considered medical aspects of the community to eliminate cancer cells, most often as the preferred method. Cancer is not spread by surgical methods alone can be completely effective. If the cancer has spread, surgical methods, the elimination of large clusters of cancer cells helps. Elimination of the remaining cells to radiation treatment or drug therapy is used. The best cancer surgery is sometimes a great textural areas in the region are also taken. This is because the cancer of these tissues also spread potentially developed. Radiotherapy (radiation treatment): High doses given cancer, body cells or destroy or breed by making it eliminates. Two formats are used in radiation therapy of cancer:

Chemotherapy (drug therapy): Patients are given powerful drugs by mouth or injection. These drugs kill the cells that produce very fast in the body circulate. Reach the intended destination of the majority of cancer cells that are produced very quickly. Some cells are responding quickly to drugs than others. Testicular cells and some leukemia cells are the kind that responds quickly to medication, but it is not brain and pancreatic cells. Drug therapy is an important issue, bone marrow, mouth, etc. hair follicles. produced as rapidly as some normal cells is destroyed. Drug treatment program is quite a long time, and susceptibility to infection, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea, vomiting and internal organ damage, such as have many negative side effects.
Formed by loss of reproductive function in women, cessation of menstruation, is the result of natural aging. Seen as a genetically determined age of 48-50. This age, race, diet, and is influenced by environmental conditions. Non-users, who do not give birth, those who are in the womb or early surgery is expected to be seen.
Eggs for the production of hormones that react to stimuli that fall in the number of egg sacs are produced by the hormone estrogen, but the small amount of androgen (male hormone) production lasts. With the disappearance of menstruation is a definite diagnosis. Symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes are seen recently. Early menopause menopause symptoms and surgical intervention is provided with more intensive menapozlarda.
1.In front of the retina of the eye image is to occur. It is also known as near-sightedness. Myopic eyes can focus on nearby objects clearly but distant they squint to see, difficult to work away from view. Students could not see the wood for the drivers could not see the signs at night is very apparent complaints are blurred vision. Close to the myopic view is no difficulty. Shortsightedness is two types: a-simple myopia: the parallel development occurs during childhood. At birth is rare. Typically 90-10 years for screening to determine their school years and increased development. When the adult becomes stagnant.
2-degenerative myopia: the type is rare. Year average of 2-4 diopters progresses. Pathological process in the eyes of these patients, there are slots. Stains, tears, and degeneration of tissues represent the most common. Refractive error can be increased until after 25 years of age, 15-30 diopters can reach very high values. Myopic treatment of thick edges (concave, divergent, minus) lenses are used. Contact lenses, eyeglasses for patients who do not want to use the option. LASIK and LASEK procedures and laser refractive errors of myopia can be resolved. Which has reached very high levels in degenerative myopia intraocular lenses and clear lens of the allocation is applied to such operations.
2-degenerative myopia: the type is rare. Year average of 2-4 diopters progresses. Pathological process in the eyes of these patients, there are slots. Stains, tears, and degeneration of tissues represent the most common. Refractive error can be increased until after 25 years of age, 15-30 diopters can reach very high values. Myopic treatment of thick edges (concave, divergent, minus) lenses are used. Contact lenses, eyeglasses for patients who do not want to use the option. LASIK and LASEK procedures and laser refractive errors of myopia can be resolved. Which has reached very high levels in degenerative myopia intraocular lenses and clear lens of the allocation is applied to such operations.
Amblyopia - Amblyopia

Causes of Dry Eye Formation

Newborn to the mother of the family planning services most needed and the high rate of acceptance in this period, the right to be informed as a result of their most appropriate for an effective family planning method of choice and this service receive must be provided. Newborn of a mother who had done what method could be used is closely related to breastfeeding infants. Not given additional food.
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation male sexual partner in the merger will satisfy at least half time in can not continue in the relationship, as defined in can delay ejaculation. However, to achieve satisfaction for women and the difference in rates is taken into consideration this definition is a definition that can be used in practice. Start time of premature ejaculation sexual intercourse or acts of nature such as the number likely to be defined ...
What is burned, what are the types?
Several times during the life of every human being, albeit a small exposure can cause burns rarely life-threatening encounter is big enough to burn. Burn the surface of a wide and deep that the healing of delays, the deformation of the formation, organ loss and death is caused. Life to facilitate the technology used, new opportunities and burn hazard brought as burn-related injuries growing more frequent. However, understanding the structure of burns, surgical techniques and progress, along with the spread of technology, the concept of team burns and burn patients is expected to reduce rates of death and disability.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata, scalp or trunk without leaving scar tissue that cause hair loss associated with immune inflammatory disease. This disease subsets of hair in no hairs at all do not have alopecia totalis and all body hair loss is alopecia universal is. Alopecia areata, is usually a particular field, suddenly emerged as the net a limited loss of hair is a type. Can occur at any age. The most commonly observed between the ages of 10-40. More recent studies in children between the ages of 0-5 have been reported to occur. Both sexes are affected equally.
Hair, tissue degradation occurring usually oval or round in shape, at one point or may be multiple. The regions most frequently involved are the scalp. Hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard area, underarm and pubic hair region or the whole body be cast. Ofiyazis (ringworm) are also known as a spill is different. This type of alopecia areata shed towards the back of the head, hair in the form of a line extending along the borders out. In the area of hair loss are skin appeared normal. As a rule, does not indicate a new outpouring of patients before, but sometimes numbness or sensitivity can be specified. Period in the development of the affected hair mature hair and can be seen on the stage is a rapid transition occurs alopecic area. "Exclamation mark hair known as" short and tapered hair, can be seen in or around alopecic area. They are short, broken hair, hair on the skin surface has been right and center-to-end thick.

Vaginal fungal

Symptoms of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Symptoms of diabetic foot depends on the blood or nerve to be related. Neural injury in the foot ulcer surrounding thick, not more dead tissue, the connective tissue begins to heal common type. Hot foot, from a pink color. Are seen close to the toe. It is associated with blood and nerves in the foot ulcer, the chapters are united to the base of the toes. The starting point is dead tissue in wounds. Foot ulcers, 80 percent of the nerve / blood related, the blood is about 30 percent. Special and specific measurement methods used in diagnostics are available.
Foot ulcer classification six steps are. First class: ulcers increased risk, but scar tissue does not second-class: only skin limited to, open wounds Third class: Deep ülse Fourth class: Deep ulcers accompanying inflammation Fifth grade: Local gangrene formation Sixth grade: all covering a wide legs with injuries the last two in the class recovery in patients with gangrene of the foot is very high risk of loss.
Foot ulcer classification six steps are. First class: ulcers increased risk, but scar tissue does not second-class: only skin limited to, open wounds Third class: Deep ülse Fourth class: Deep ulcers accompanying inflammation Fifth grade: Local gangrene formation Sixth grade: all covering a wide legs with injuries the last two in the class recovery in patients with gangrene of the foot is very high risk of loss.
Alopecia Areata - ringworm
Scarring alopecia areata with facial and body hair loss cause significant view impairment and psychological problems as a cause is a disease. It is easy to explain why diagnosis and treatment but it is very difficult. Cause-related medical treatment and put forward as many cases even though could not be fully explained. All the world is a common problem. one thousandth of the total population is seen around 2-3 percent of those admitted for treatment of dermatological this issue is close. Injury-free hair loss, injury seen with hair, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes and a sudden loss of local or whole body is an emerging problem.
Scars are round or oval. Type called alopecia totalis, all hair, called alopecia universal type of tissue in the body, all hairs are shed. The limited loss in the scalp up in certain areas while ofisalis is called alopecia. The disease seen consideration age, race, gender differentiation does not have a problem everyone is visible. But the incidence is higher in young adults. The first catch of the disease is usually around the age of 20.
Types of Vitiligo
The areas affected by vitiligo and pigments are classified according to the state a. Types of focal vitiligo, segmental, generalized, and universal to akrofasiyal are five types. Focal: settled at a particular point. Contained herein and does not bounce around in a few spots will form. constitutes five percent of all types of vitiligo. Segmental: Only certain areas of sensory lekeleleridir vitiligo. In other areas not usually spotting. Görülmemeltedir with other diseases. Starting at an early age is common vitiligolarda. Vitilgolu in one quarter of all patients are spotting this kind. Rapid spread. Are among the most common areas around the face.
Generalized: The most common is a type of vitiligo. Spotting are all present in the body. Spots in the joint area becomes more frequent. Akrofasyal vitiligo: This kind of vitiligo in the finger tips and there is staining around the mouth. Universal: All the body and cover only a small area of skin remained normal in vitiligo variety.
Generalized: The most common is a type of vitiligo. Spotting are all present in the body. Spots in the joint area becomes more frequent. Akrofasyal vitiligo: This kind of vitiligo in the finger tips and there is staining around the mouth. Universal: All the body and cover only a small area of skin remained normal in vitiligo variety.
27 Haziran 2010 Pazar
Consanguineous marriage, blood ties between the people who will marry in the same lineage that is coming. With blood relatives, the majority of genes in common, except arising from kinship is still more common. Consanguinity in the relationship between individuals should be identified as correct, whether or not a hereditary disease and should learn what it versa the risk of this disease. In a gene known risk of a harmful allele çoçuğa aktarışma be transferred, the rate should be determined.
Until his death in the formation of individual development, genetic and environmental factors depend on the two groups. Environmental factors that can change constantly, but genetic factors are available from a human fertilization and somatic cell mutations in the genetic change that unless they remain the same throughout life. The hereditary characteristics of human beings from time immemorial has received from the mother and the father is known, the living organism of this very important feature of the rules of physics 20 century and this century, understood the physical elements of heredity chromosomes that have been revealed. Mothers and fathers from each gamete contains 22 autosomal chromosomes and one sex chromosome, the zygote chromosome 23 that come together as a pair of genes is listed on each individual's genetic structure is determined.
Baby autistic?
Your baby's behavior and appearance, please read if you reduce anxiety. Autistic features two types of pattern indicates that infants. Cry baby or permanent, is cranky and restless, or quiet, docile and always shows willingness to bed. Hunger, pollution status, even gold will not react, easy to care for the baby, but are unrelated. Physical development in infants with autism does not differ from their peers. Although sleep and eating problems are generally healthy. Physical skills are developed. However, because of lack of interest later in life may gain some skills.
3 month old baby normally communicates with his mother. Smiles, looks, will sound. When you grow up a little more like arms. When people recognize and see the familiar signs of excitement shows. In infants with autism do not like to be alone, reluctance, kucakta unrest occurs. Do not want to build relationships, not interested in talking, eye contact, looking at empty fields and can not provide. Does not deal with objects in the environment and does not want to touch. Animals, does not react to stimuli like sound. Is disinterested. Autistic infants until the age of some of the two does not sound like it, sometimes in the same way as their peers to learn a few words. See your baby is in this situation you should consult with a physician.
3 month old baby normally communicates with his mother. Smiles, looks, will sound. When you grow up a little more like arms. When people recognize and see the familiar signs of excitement shows. In infants with autism do not like to be alone, reluctance, kucakta unrest occurs. Do not want to build relationships, not interested in talking, eye contact, looking at empty fields and can not provide. Does not deal with objects in the environment and does not want to touch. Animals, does not react to stimuli like sound. Is disinterested. Autistic infants until the age of some of the two does not sound like it, sometimes in the same way as their peers to learn a few words. See your baby is in this situation you should consult with a physician.
Causes of Infant Mortality
The World Health Organization, according to every year, five years before completion of deaths over ten million children in almost all low-and middle-income countries, the majority of existing initiatives which can be prevented for several reasons died. These factors, premature birth, birth pulse stops and the germs and bacteria infections, and neonatal problems are created by grouping the issues and continuity of the lower respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, malaria, measles, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS is listed as a grab.
5-6 until the age of forty percent of the deaths are infant death. Most newborn ölümlerininde premature birth, severe infections such as meningitis, heart failure, state disability, neonatal tetanus, and diarrhea are factors.
5-6 until the age of forty percent of the deaths are infant death. Most newborn ölümlerininde premature birth, severe infections such as meningitis, heart failure, state disability, neonatal tetanus, and diarrhea are factors.
newborn to the mother of the family planning services most needed and the high rate of acceptance in this period, the right to be informed as a result of their most appropriate for an effective family planning method of choice and this service receive must be provided. newborns who had done a mother, what method could be used infant breastfeeding in are closely related. Without additional food to breast-feeding mothers who do not menstruate for six months in terms of pregnancy are not so lucky. Of course this does not imply the woman will never get pregnant.
Six weeks before breast-feeding women should not use methods. Mothers do not breastfeed the baby soon after birth, or within three weeks may be a method of contraception to use. The first 10 minutes after birth intrauterine device, followed by normal delivery or caesarean section, or within the first 2 days after birth from 1.5 months to apply and does not affect breastfeeding. Male contraception, the condom is no problem with just a used. The majority of female condom use milk or milk quality that does not provide any benefit or harm. But lower in women who are breast-feeding control pills containing hormones may be used. These pills should be under medical supervision. Breastfeeding does not perform the diaphragm, and hormone release lever attached to the tapes, keeping the needle can be applied within 1.5 months after birth. Families with children who do not want to have back in the tube or channel to connect with cesarean birth, if carried out immediately, was made a week after a normal birth is possible.
Six weeks before breast-feeding women should not use methods. Mothers do not breastfeed the baby soon after birth, or within three weeks may be a method of contraception to use. The first 10 minutes after birth intrauterine device, followed by normal delivery or caesarean section, or within the first 2 days after birth from 1.5 months to apply and does not affect breastfeeding. Male contraception, the condom is no problem with just a used. The majority of female condom use milk or milk quality that does not provide any benefit or harm. But lower in women who are breast-feeding control pills containing hormones may be used. These pills should be under medical supervision. Breastfeeding does not perform the diaphragm, and hormone release lever attached to the tapes, keeping the needle can be applied within 1.5 months after birth. Families with children who do not want to have back in the tube or channel to connect with cesarean birth, if carried out immediately, was made a week after a normal birth is possible.
Smoking prevalence in women of reproductive age, approximately 30%. Smoking in pregnancy rates between 15-30% have been reported. The use of non-pituitary-hipatalamo hormone system pressures, the secretion of prolactin and thyroxine hormone production prevents LH pressure, consequently, the irregularities in the menstrual cycle occurs. Impairs the function of the adrenal glands. Cotinine in cigarette smoke, substances such as cadmium and benzopiren affect human cells.
Crooked teeth
Orthodontics with a crooked dental technology and information explosion dizzying rapid development of a crooked teeth, orthodontic treatment can be. Teeth crooked to be as normal to accept it is not possible. Dental distortions with the jaws between the impairment of orthodontic anomalies, their correction dealing with dentistry of the side branch also orthodontics is called. Orthodontists in mind when the children immediately, and developing revenue growth.
Orthodontics is very important in terms of growth and development. Growth and development is parallel to each other. This anomaly occurs in parallel perturbed. Inheritance are among the reasons. Eg mother or a father in front of the lower jaw in a child who is likely to be in front of the lower jaw. Taken early or more decayed teeth and caused the loss of space for untreated milk teeth can cause orthodontic anomalies. Orthodontic anomalies is the cause of the bad habits. For example, the child's thumb sucking, nail biting, the tongue during swallowing bad habits such as pushing forward the relations between the jaw and teeth to be properly can disrupt the knee. For the child's nose is constantly blocked by mouth may cause breathing to orthodontic abnormalities. In this case is how early intervention will occur in the future, the less will be the size of the anomaly. Several incidents occurred during birth or in some cases hormones are among the reasons.
The best time to begin orthodontic treatment is the period in the development starts attacking. If this early period of treatment lasting treatments, is easy and short term. In the earlier period, the treatment is variable. In later times difficult course of treatment. Orthodontic anomalies are two ways to skeletal and dental. Levels of dental treatment can be done in each period. Development of skeletal abnormalities in the level of attacks before the end of the beginning of the period should be treated. Orthodontic treatment is done in three phases: Protective anti-therapy, curative therapy, and consolidation therapy.
Your mouth does not smell very good suggestions for
Smell the scent of your mouth if you is not hard to detect, know your partner by asking your friends to find out whether the odor. To get a clear result, but some doctors will benefit from the device. Chromatographs for this work and private sulphide gas monitors have been developed. They can show exactly the nature of breath. Halitosis is bad breath is called, the bacteria in the mouth of the hydrogen sulphide content of the uncovered items. Enough attention to oral health and hygiene in individuals that do not increase the number of hydrogen sulphide producing bacteria that cause bad odors.
Mouth breathing is usually caused by a bad smell. An infection in the mouth, gum disease, or remained in the mouth for more than a few hours to put food waste and bacteria can cause bad breath. The odor may not only originate from the teeth and mouth. Lung infections, sinusitis, diabetes (acetone smell), gastrointestinal disease, renal failure (the smell of fish), liver and metabolic disorders, or halitosis, can cause. Halitosis rid of the first step, the smell's source is to determine. The reason is the smell after the treatment is performed.
Your breath smells worse than a reason from the mouth of the roads pass by your dentist are a must. Dentists, all of decay, gum disease if you will be treated. Will clean your teeth, stones, and semi-sunken sunken your teeth will attract 20 years. 90 percent of mouth odors caused by smoking can be treated successfully. For that person's role is also important to him. Most of the language for the treatment of bad breath starts with brushing.
Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Bruxism during sleep on the teeth to tighten, to grind and clench the jaw. This situation is unusual and quite disturbing sound occurs. Teeth grinding during sleep is so sound that sounds not the same person waking. The stress of illness of our age, teeth grinding is considered the most important reason.
Cancer, arthritis, pregnancy and diseases related to current information, which is implemented treatment herb-related articles Bruxism (teeth grinding) Bruxism (teeth grinding) Bruxism, during sleep, teeth, often to grind and jaw clamping means. This situation is unusual and quite disturbing sound occurs. Teeth grinding during sleep is so sound that sounds not the same person waking. The stress of illness of our age, teeth grinding is considered the most important reason. Severity and frequency of tooth grinding, you can reach the size of damage to our teeth. Constant rubbing together of the enamel of the teeth are damaged and the teeth are shorter in length. Because the pressure is the root of cystic formation. Female, there will be loose in the bonds that connect the jaw bone and teeth, so start swinging.
Gum tissue is also damaged. Bleed when touched, and they gradually get darker appearance. Moreover, because of damage to the articular cartilage in the jaw joint symptoms occur. One of the complications caused by joint friction are the short length of the teeth. Reduction of tooth size became apparent when the external appearance of the patient are also affected.
Cancer, arthritis, pregnancy and diseases related to current information, which is implemented treatment herb-related articles Bruxism (teeth grinding) Bruxism (teeth grinding) Bruxism, during sleep, teeth, often to grind and jaw clamping means. This situation is unusual and quite disturbing sound occurs. Teeth grinding during sleep is so sound that sounds not the same person waking. The stress of illness of our age, teeth grinding is considered the most important reason. Severity and frequency of tooth grinding, you can reach the size of damage to our teeth. Constant rubbing together of the enamel of the teeth are damaged and the teeth are shorter in length. Because the pressure is the root of cystic formation. Female, there will be loose in the bonds that connect the jaw bone and teeth, so start swinging.
Gum tissue is also damaged. Bleed when touched, and they gradually get darker appearance. Moreover, because of damage to the articular cartilage in the jaw joint symptoms occur. One of the complications caused by joint friction are the short length of the teeth. Reduction of tooth size became apparent when the external appearance of the patient are also affected.
Health benefits of smoking cessation be
Ten years or longer than smokers, in comparison with non-death, disease and injury rates are considerably higher. However, most of smoking-related adverse effects of smoking are reversible, recovering discontinuation. Especially the respiratory system in terms of risk, quit smoking after for years, though certain organ systems, the risks from smoking, stay away from the time of consistent as decreases. The greatest benefits of smoking at a young age for leaving achieved; however, the middle ages to release even more risk, the majority eliminates. So that 15 years after the death risk after quitting smoking, nonsmokers are the equivalent.
Dental Care of milk
Babies are born without teeth, and in this period are exclusively breastfed or bottle-feed. Infancy, one of the important changes is the introduction of the teeth. First the teeth are called milk teeth. Infants 6-8 months of age, the first milk teeth removed at the mandibular anterior region. Upper cut teeth, other teeth in the lower and upper jaw followed by taking part. 2.5 to 3 years of age when baby teeth are all located in the mouth. Small bluish-white color, and these teeth are usually arranged at intervals in the upper and lower jaw to repair them a total of 20 pieces.
Milk teeth and their diet will help guide the permanent teeth will. Milk teeth fall before their time, permanent false teeth sitting, feeding disorders and can lead to disturbances in the image. Milk teeth and permanent teeth are healthy is essential for the healthy. The future of treatment on grounds of permanent teeth should not be put off. Channels in these teeth, the fillings can be done in such treatment. Milk teeth in the mouth and palate in the shooting could be narrowing their treatment must be arranged accordingly. Some tools are called placeholders here can be placed to avoid recession. Teeth should be cleaned after eating.
Feeding of infants during sleep can cause tooth decay. After the mother's breast is placed on your teeth, feeding bottles and teats should be abandoned as barriers to the development of teeth. Whatever the conditions in the matter of such feeding methods, nipples, pacifiers, bottles per sweet substances should not apply. Deciduous teeth complete brushing habits should be given, especially breakfast, to bed at night before you brush strokes should be provided. Parents must accompany children to work together to brush properly cleaned and must provide to teach. Baby 6 months should be taken to the dentist. Followed by the development of potential problems at an early stage should be avoided.
Milk teeth and their diet will help guide the permanent teeth will. Milk teeth fall before their time, permanent false teeth sitting, feeding disorders and can lead to disturbances in the image. Milk teeth and permanent teeth are healthy is essential for the healthy. The future of treatment on grounds of permanent teeth should not be put off. Channels in these teeth, the fillings can be done in such treatment. Milk teeth in the mouth and palate in the shooting could be narrowing their treatment must be arranged accordingly. Some tools are called placeholders here can be placed to avoid recession. Teeth should be cleaned after eating.
Feeding of infants during sleep can cause tooth decay. After the mother's breast is placed on your teeth, feeding bottles and teats should be abandoned as barriers to the development of teeth. Whatever the conditions in the matter of such feeding methods, nipples, pacifiers, bottles per sweet substances should not apply. Deciduous teeth complete brushing habits should be given, especially breakfast, to bed at night before you brush strokes should be provided. Parents must accompany children to work together to brush properly cleaned and must provide to teach. Baby 6 months should be taken to the dentist. Followed by the development of potential problems at an early stage should be avoided.
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